I dont know what to write about???
I hope you guys and Gals had a very merry Xmas.
Mine went OK, Long story
My thoughts and prayers are with Victims and their families of the Tsunami.
Horrible thing to happen. I actually wanted to go to Thailand but maybe not anymore.
Props to bush for not returning fire when we where critizized for being stingy with our relief Money
Ya know UN maybe we need to take the money we give you for your "budget" and give that to the victims!!
Whatcha think of that!?!?!
Kitty smells!
I saw Spanglish the other night, Great Movie!!!
I can relate to the Character that Adam Sandler played in this movie!!
The Phantom of the Opera comes out soon! I cant wait for that!!!
I saw the stage play twice, I saw it Detroit and Toronto.
The Stage play is wonderful!!! The movie will be Great!!!
Well I am out of Randow thoughts
I am gonna go mess with the cat and then go to Bed.
ChuckW The Random
Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions? charlesjohnw@gmail.com
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Friday, December 10, 2004
Baked Apple Pie and Vernors
Why does is smell so bad when Kitty Lets one Rip??? Maybe its what I feed her??
I switched Jobs again, I got an offer from JC Penny at Fashion Square Mall in Saginaw.
More hours and more money so I accepted it. I am Stockboy!!! I do Stock replenishment all over the store. It’s a better job then Borders, I have to be there at 6 am. That’s an adventure in itself as I am not a morning person. I have been on the job for a week so far and its going good. Guess what I did today?? I cut down my first Christmas Tree. Yes people I did it. I tried to talk my lady into a fake tree but I gave in. We went to a tree farm near Frankenmuth and paid $15.00 to obtain a 5 ft Scotch pine. The gentlemen that runs it is an elderly man who in his retirement runs an apple orchard and a Xmas Tree farm. It took us only 10 min to locate our tree, we got a quick lesson from said owner in telling the difference between a Blue spruce and a Scotch pine. Once we found the one, I hacked her down. This will be my first real tree as I have always had a fake. Now if I can only get kitty to leave it alone. In other news, We got DirecTv installed the other night. I am pumped as we now have more premium channels. Heres a thought, I am sick and tired of hearing about Scott Peterson. My Goodness!!! Lets start a new Cable Channel!!! All Scott Peterson All The Time!!!! I mean he his a horrible person and deserves what ever punishment he gets but this is getting a little old!!! In closing, even though the election is over I still have plenty to talk about. I do think about other things, I will remain your faithful social and political commentator. I will be fair but just. I am drug free. You ask, Will I perform my duties fully clothed???? You Betcha!!!
Kitty says: Meow!!!
Sunday, December 05, 2004

Record Breaking 300 foot float seen at the 2004 Lighted Farm Implement Parade in Sandusky, MI
Posted by Hello
Thursday, December 02, 2004
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