Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?

Friday, January 21, 2005

This to shall Pass…

I’m sorry…..I really am. I don’t want to disappoint my sister, brother, ma and pa.
But I still can’t muster up any happiness about Bush getting his 2nd Term. Believe me…
I’ve tried. Go ahead call me stubborn, call me a sore loser I don’t care!!! I forced myself to watch the Inauguration and man did I complain a lot while watching it!!! And so it begins, Conservatives you got what you wanted, I truly hope you are happy!! I will admit being a little satisfied with a few of Bush’s cabinet nominees. I got to shake Mike Johans hand at a parade in Fremont Nebraska, real nice guy I think he will do great as secretary of agriculture. I however hope Dr. Rice doesn’t get confirmed, she failed miserably as National Security Advisor. I watched the hearings and a couple of the senators said that one of the reasons why they would vote for her is because she has the Presidents ear. I think it’s the other way around, he has her ear and because of that he will get what he wants. God bless Colin Powell, he will be missed.

In Closing:

Barak Obama, John Edwards, John Kerry, Hilary Clinton, Howard Dean. I am very much looking forward to 2008.

Chuckw The Stubborn

Monday, January 10, 2005

My self doubt

I am a person motivated and influenced by so many diverse forces. I sometimes question the sanity of my existence. I am a living paradox- deeply religious, yet not as convinced of my exact beliefs, as I should be. Wanting responsibility yet shirking it. Loving the truth but often giving away to falsity. I detest selfishness, but see it in the mirror everyday. I view those, some of whom are very dear to me, who have never learned how to live. I desire and struggle to be different from them, but often am almost an exact likeness… What a boring little word—I!! I, me, my, mine… The only things that enable worthwile uses of these words are the universal good qualities wich we are not able to place with them—faith, trust, love, responsibility, regret, knowledge. But the acronyms to these symbols of what enable life to be worth the trouble cannot be escaped. I, in my attempts to be honest, will not be the hypocrite I hate, and will own up to their ominous presence in this boy endeavoring in such earnest to be a man.
