Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Awwww you lost

The Senate delayed the nomination of John Bolton, aw to bad so sad. Conservatives are complaining like the democrats cheated!!! Hmmmmm We have been here before, but the roles reversed. I think this is dang funny. Well conservatives!! Get over it!! You are not gonna bully us into getting everything you want. There is political Blood in the water and this is gonna get interesting. Te he he!!!!

Chuckw the giggling liberal guy on location in Croswell MI

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Complaining Conservatives

Idol season 4 is over, Carrie has won. Am I disappointed??? Nope. I wanted Bo to win but I am satisfied that Carrie won. I went on the Idol Chat boards after the show and read a post that stated that conservatives have scored another victory over the liberals with Carrie winning over Bo and the Liberals should stop complaining. Uhhhhh ok whatever.
LOL!!! That’s dumber then a door knob!!! Oh please, how is this similar to politics?? Ok whoever wrote that, are you aware that Bo is from a Red state??? My guess is no! The only way I would be upset is if Scott had won. That person who wrote that needs to get a life. Also I admit, I once and a while listen to Rush Limbaugh to get that conservative point of view on all things politics. Well I am really getting tired of hear him lecture us liberals on all things Moral. Rush you are a major Hypocrite!!! You are abusing pain pills. I have been hearing him for a long time doing this and I promised myself that I wouldn’t rip into him because I wanted to stay above his level. Well I heard him a couple of days ago talking smack about Howard Dean and saying how horrible he is and insulting his intelligence all because Dean admitted that he was a binge drinker in college. Amazing!!!! You cant make this up!!! Rush you are an Idiot!!! Come on!!!
We see right through you!!!! Give it up!!!

I need to stop listening to Rush, He stresses me out.

Chuckw, coming to you on his laptop sitting at the coffee table watchin Emeril Live!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Either to Hot or to Cold

Chucky is home alone today, My Lady got invited to a Tupperware type party at a business associates house.
I am sitting here writing and fighting with the Air conditioning, If I have it on its to cold or off its to Hot.
Strange how that works. Im watching Hellboy on Starz, good movie. I didn’t like it when I first saw it but it kinda grew on me.
I was gonna go see The Ring 2 today but I changed my mind. I saw Friday The 13th on AMC last night, good movie it started kinda slow but the ending was great!! I then watched Friday the 13th part 5 after that, terrible film! I am looking forward to the next Star Wars film and Also the next Batman Film. Ohhh Man, Kitty just farted!!! Stinky!!!

Behave yourselves

Chuckw the Looking for the air freshener Guy

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Laptop Bloggy

I am filing my first blog on our new laptop. Julie and chucky where out searchin the garage sales this past Saturday and we found this laptop at a garage sale for only 25 bucks!! We were told that all it needed was an OS and we should be good to go. We where hooked up with an OS and here we are. Julies Pa and stepmom treated us to a movie at the new theater in Sandusky mi Sunday night. Really nice theater!! We saw Kingdom of Heaven. My Review, Long and confusing. Lead actor Orlando Bloom does a great job but he really didn’t have much to work with. Director Ridley Scott tried to make this film as PC as possible to not upset to many people and I think it really hurt the film. Half the time I really didn’t understand what was going on. The battle scenes where shot very well but Ridley proved a long time ago that he can handle that. In my opinion, this movie really didn’t need to be made. If you want to see a really good Ridley Scott Directed period piece I recommend Gladiator or and I recommend The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Pirates of the Caribbean for all you Orlando Bloom fans who want to see him in a great role. Its something to think that the turf war that was depicted in Kingdom of Heaven is still going on today but on a smaller scale. Well I am all out of ideas to write about so I am gonna close this out and save it so I can
Post it. Talk at ya later.

Chuckw The Laptop Puter Kind of Guy
