Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Chuck W's Life is rated
My life is rated R.
What'>">What is your life rated?
My Solution to Ashlee Simpsons Mistake.
Be a good Sport.
ChuckW the gassy
Monday, October 25, 2004
Addition to last post.
We have a republican controlled congress..
Bush has never vetoed any bill that has crossed his desk...
Put that in your pipe and smoke it....
A open letter to my sister and brother.
Why do you guys keep accusing Kerry of not directly addressing the Issues????
That boggles my mind. He has directly addressed every issue!! During the debates Bush Very rarely address any of the issues directly, instead he chose to direct the talk back to the war on terror or the Internets? Uh what? The link that I posted in my last blog in regards to Abortion was to educate you guys as to why Kerry voted the way he did on the partial birth abortion ban. Have any of you done your homework on why Kerry voted the way he did??? Please do so before attacking him!! I agree someone needs to fight for the child, I AM PRO LIFE!!, But Your canidate also said that he would allow abortions in extreme situations. You cannot deny he said that.
Just because John Kerrys religious advisor supposedly said that he or she wants to remove “Under God” from the pledge, does not give anyone the right to attack him on that. I mean if your gonna play that game then I will start attacking George Bush because His Running Mate is for Gay Marriage. Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter and was qouted as saying to be free means freedom for all!
I don’t attack Bush on that because I know that’s not how he beileves.
Oh and Mr. Cheney also said that the Issue of Gay Marriage should be left to the states. Is that also avoiding the subject???
Will, You wrote this: Bush signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban that Put a End that that extreme thing. Kerry voted against it every time it came up for a vote durning the Clinton and Bush 2 Years.
Please reference this link, it will explain why he did that.
Conservatives: Do any of you take the time to follow what your senators or Representatives are doing in Washington?? You can look up there voting records online!! I encourage you to do that instead of letting Rush Limbaugh tell you. You cant beileve what he says anyway, he is jacked up on pain pills all the time!!!!
I mean our tax dollars pay there salary, we need to pay close attention to how they vote and why they did it. You have the right to know how they voted and most importantly why they did it. They could have voted no because they simply didn’t like how the bill was written. The bill could have been rewritten and voted on again and maybe the second time he or she voted yes??
In closing: It is not my intention to start a pissing match with my sister and my brother. I created this blog to get these thoughts out of my head! This has been very theraputic and enjoyable!!
Behave yourselfs
Chuck W
I'm ChuckW and I approved this message:
I have drafted a response and here it is, I decided that the best way to respond was to pick it apart.
Sheree: if John Kerry believes life begins at conception.. why does he believe a woman can choose to end that life?
My Response: John Kerry has said that he agrees with president bush in this area, he said that in the debate!! He said that Abortions should only be allowed in the most extreme cases. Wich if I am not mistaken is also how Bush Sees it.
Sheree: I'm pro choice.. I chose to gain weight, to eat foods I ate, to work today... but when I am pregnant.... It's about that life inside.
My Response: If ya wanna look at it that way, I chose to eat the Hot Dog I am eating right now. I chose to watch Game 2 of the World Series while I am Typing this. I just Farted, I chose to do that to. I guess I am pro choice to! Sheree I have brought 2 beautiful young Children into this world and I agree its all about that life inside. When I learned both times that I was about to be a Dad, Abortion was NEVER an option!!
Sheree: . Birth control is a choice too. Not doing the "deed" is a choice too.
My Response: Wow, I hope that wasn’t a shot at me…..
Sheree: Kerry believes life begins when it does. But he can't stand by it.
My Response: Again I reference
Sheree: Kerry Oposes same-sex marriage, but isn't willing to stand up.
My Response: Didn’t you watch any of the Debates??? Kerry said that he beileves that issue should be left to the states. He said that he will not use the government to impose his personal beleifs one anyone.
Sheree: And his religious advisor?? She is supporting the person who is trying to get "under God" removed from the pledge.
My Response: Please Reference the following link,
Look at how he closed out his speech: Together we can make this one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” I require proof from you that he actually said that he wants to remove under god from the pledge. I don’t believe that he would do that.
In closing, I want my sister and everyone reading this to vote what you believe.
Oh gosh please just vote. I am the only Liberal in a conservative family. I have grown up always wondering if there was a better way to do something, refusing to accept the reality that was around me. I refuse to accept that 4 more years of the same is the way to go. I refuse to let the Rush Limbaughs and the Bill O’reillys of the world tell me how I should be thinking, just the other day Rush on his show said Democrat voters where stupid!!!! That’s just awefull!!!! I am not gonna tell you what I think of Ann Coulter.
Be a good sport my friends!!!!
Friday, October 22, 2004
Response to my brothers response to my last post.
Here is what he wrote to me.
Charlie not you tooif Bush lost more jobs sents Herbert Hooverwe have our own Great Depressin and why has Kerry Shy away from his 20 years as a us senatorJust Thought i ask
Please consider this:
The job loss since President Bush took office in January 2001 stood at 2.26 million, as measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Between 1929 and 1933, the notorious single term in Hooverville, the number of Americans with payroll jobs fell 24 percent, from 31.32 million to 23.69 million.
Since President Bush signed his tax cuts in June 2001, the number of payroll jobs has fallen from 132.11 million to 130.41 million in March 2003.
Even if the economy does add 2 million jobs by October 2004, he will still have presided over the only job-losing presidency since Hoover. And as Karl Rove surely knows, that name is never good company for a president seeking re-election. Since 1900, the only incumbent Republican presidents to lose second-term bids have been named Hoover and Bush.
John Kerry during his career has wrote 56 "measures" that passed the Senate, including 11 that became law.
Dick Cheney himself said to be free means freedom all around.
John Kerry has said on his website that he will only nominate individuals to the federal bench whose records demonstrate a respect for the full range of constitutional rights, including the right to privacy and the right to choose.
He believes that abortions should be "safe, legal but rare."
A quote from John Kerry July, 2004: I oppose abortion, personally. I don't like abortion. I believe that life does start at conception.
to be free means freedom all around.
That’s just my opinion, But I’m right!!!!
Be a good sport
Chuck W
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Will The real flip flopper please stand up
Flippy Flop
Bush was against a 9/11 commission, but then was for it when the public was for it
Flip Floppy
During the 200 election, Bush was for 527 or soft money ads. “ I am for freedom of speech” he said. However after the swift boat vet ads came out, Bush said he wasn’t for it.
Flip a de do!!
Bush claimed during the last debate that he never said that he wasn’t concerned about Osama Bin Laden. Yet during a 2003 press conference Bush clearly said that he just didn’t think about Bin Laden that much, He said that he wasn’t concerned about him.
Flippy a do flop a de!!
Bush claimed during the debates that Kerrys plan to speed up training of Iraqi troops to get our troops out of that area quicker just wouldn’t work. Yet I woke up the morning of October the ninth and I switched on CNN and found out that Rumsfield was in Iraq announcing a plan to speed up training of Iraqi Troops so that we can get our troops out of Iraq quicker.
De flip a de do!!!
The argument that kerry is a flip flopper and cannot lead is silly. Bush is the real flip flopper. This president will suffer the worst job loss since Herbert Hoover!! He hasn’t vetoed any bill that has crossed his desk.
Kerry has been a senator for over 20 years, Bush has spent most of his adult life in the Crawford bars!
This is a no brainer for me. I know a real flip flopper and a puppet when I see one!!
Wherever you go, Whatever you do, Be a good sport.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Bush is just a puppet.
The document can be located online at
The blueprint for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice-president), Donald Rumsfeld (defense secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
Dick Cheney was disappointed in Bush 41. He was disappointed in the fact that during the first gulf war, we didn’t march into Baghdad and take out Saddam Hussein. So Cheney formed this non-profit group called Project for the new American Century.
In order to truly understand how despicable and repulsive Cheney and his schemes actually are, we must revisit the past before we continue. A CFR member; Cheney was Chief of Staff to Gerald Ford, Secretary of Defense to George Herbert Bush, and Wyoming's only Congressman. There is a hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming where Dickie Dearest was obsessed with "A Most Dangerous Game" (human hunting) and addicted to the thrill of the sport of traumatizing his victims while satisfying his sick perversions. Although this "game" was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers, it was used on Cathy O'Brien and other slaves as a means to further conditioning of the mind to the realization there was no place to hide, as well as traumatization for ensuing programming. According to Cathy, this game had numerous variations on the primary theme of being stripped of clothing, turned loose in wilderness areas which were enclosed in secure military fencing, and hunted by men and dogs until caught, raped, and tortured. This is our Vice President! (A Note from Chuck W – I would like to make it clear that these allegations are just that, allegations, and are not proven by anything more than testimony).
Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer recently wrote, " The fact is no country has been as dominant culturally, economically, technologically, and militarily in the history of the world since the Roman Empire." He is one of the voices or opinion leaders demanding pre-emptive action, calling for the USA to reject its Constitutional heritage proclaiming itself the heir to the Roman Empire and who is part of a small but well financed policy faction calling themselves neo-conservatives. How does that grab you? The New American Empire or Pax-Americana, a world order enforced by U.S. power controlled by Cheney and the gang, who make the Mafia and the Roman Empire look like altar boys. Cheney and Bush's doctrine essentially declares that anyone who gets in the way will suffer the threatened consequences. This strategy of permanent war abroad, will result in a permanent domestic state of emergency, which means a permanent state of siege for all Americans. In this devilish pursuit of world conquest in the name of U.S. interests, Bush is acting under strategic policy that demands the continuous demonstration of a universal American "right" to impose its will on Planet Earth.
I am certainly not trying to slander anyone; I am just reporting to you what I have discovered. Cheney rubs me the wrong way. Maybe, if Bush had a different running mate I might vote for him.
There are some conservatives who believe that the terrorists want John Kerry to win. After reading the evidence I have presented you must ask yourself, might we already have terrorists in power in our great nation?
Monday, October 18, 2004
I love Ranch Popcorn and Ice Cold Pepsi.
Kitty finally has a name!!
Julie and I spent the weekend at her grandparents trailer in Croswell, We took kitty with as she just had to meet…..uhhhh… hold on….. sorry got distracted, ESPN is on. Anyways, Kitty just had to meet Kelsea. She is Julies sister, who just happens to adore cats. Her grandparents wont let her have a cat, but you see they were out of town. Kelsea named the Kitty, and that name is…… Midnight. She sleeps a lot, burps, farts, My kind of cat. We went there because we had a hectic 48 hours, we experienced…. Double car breakdown!!!!! Julies car went first, we were in Lexington when we stopped to visit an antique store. We were in there for an hour and came out an the car didn’t start!! Then Mine went, I was taking Julie to work at 6:30 in the morning when my car died. An ad salesmen at her job was kind enough to give me a jump but I got 2.5 miles away from our apartment when she quit again.
Nobody stopped to assist me and I didn’t want to knock on doors at 7 in the morning, so I walked 2.5 miles back to our place. I ended up with 7 blisters on my feet. I put out an SOS call to Julies mom and she came and assisted. We had to move the car by 5:30 or big bad Tuscola 911 was going to impound. Well to make this sob story short, we got mine towed and fixed. It was the Alternator. Why cant we just transport like in Star Trek????
Well at least we got one working car wich is better then none.
Wherever you go, Whatever you do, Be a good sport.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
New Rule
Reprinter from
My Notes on the Debate
Here is what I was thinking while watching the telecast.
The moderator did a great job, although I thought he was conservative.
He said that the ban on partial birth abortion was 100% approved by congress but then said that Kerry was against it. That is a lie and made no sense.
He was asked: What do you say to a person who lost his job to outsourcing? He did not answer the question, he instead talked about education.
He said that he never said that he wasn’t concerned about Osama Bin Laden.
That’s a lie, during a press conference after the start of the Iraq invasion. He stated “ Well I just don’t think about that guy anymore”
Kerry stated that he wants to raise the minimum wage to 7.00 hr
When asked to respond, Bush started talking about education again.
Bush was asked if he would overturn Roe V. Wade: He didn’t answer the question.
He started talking about Supreme Court judges.
The Assault Weapons Ban: Bush claimed to be for the Ban, Well I am sorry Mr. President you are conveniently to late, he let the ban expire. Another lie.
Affirmative Action: I will give him this, he did meet with the black caucus but he waited to meet with them until during an election year. Hmmmmmm
Healthcare: Bush hasn’t fully funded VA, our veterans are not getting the best healthcare because of that. And he has cut medicare.
Social Security: Bush plan will lead to a 2 trillion dollar hole in social security!
Privatizing social security is a recipe for disaster.Tax Cuts: Bush claims that his tax cuts really went to the middle class, just this week congress approved a tax cut for big business in our country. Another lie from the president. Jobs: Bush claims that there has been an abundant amount of jobs that have been created lately, There was a report last week that stated more jobs have been lost.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
The Third Debate
Tonight George Bush's denials further damaged his credibility. He denied we have problems with immigration, No Child Left Behind, equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Bush pretends our problems don't exist, and he won't level with the American people.
During these debates, John Kerry has left no doubt that he has the strength and character we need in a commander in chief. He has shown the American people his command of the facts, steady demeanor, and well reasoned arguments. He offered hope and optimism, and showed that he will fight for middle class families.
The Bush campaign has tried to lower the bar for each debate. But the bar can only go so low.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I am watching this show on TLC about an actuall Medical condition where a man can actually grow a set of breasts. This makes me feel so conflicted. Part of me is freacked out by it, the other part of me says Why is this a problem????? hmm I will let you create your own joke their.
I am now reading a book called Bushworld by Maureen O'dowd.
She states that the people who think The President is the best thing since sliced bread happily dwell in Bushworld and the rest live in reality. I am lovin this book!!
Once and for all people just because I am voting for John Kerry, By no way does that mean that I am Pro Choice. My Ma and Pa are not fools, They raised me better then that. I am Pro Life.
But I very much Do Not agree that the terrorists want John Kerryt to win!!!
Oh Please!!! Think about it people!!!! If the terrorists had their way, we wouldnt have any elections at all!!!
I am growing very tired of conservatives making excuses like that!!
( Ma Pa Will and Sheree still love ya)
My prayers are with Jeramiah, I was informed that he has to have surgery.
I love you Christopher.
Wow I am tired.
Wherever you Go, Whatever you do.
Be a Good Sport.
Monday, October 11, 2004
[Fwd: Pat Buchanan]
Pat Buchanan is horrible. He is a Conservative and shouldnt be
moderating any debates.
He should be working for Fox News.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Pat Buchanan
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 22:29:36 -0400
From: Charles Walker
I am watching the episode of your show right now
with Glen Smith and Jon O'neil and I am outraged.
I was understanding that this was to be a debate between the two men and
it was not.
It was a two on one matchup where Buchanan and O'neil ganged up on Mr.
That was horrible!!! Joe, I like you and your show. I hope you wont let
that happen again.
Mr. Buchanan is a horrible host and should never Host Again!!!!!!
Charles Walker
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Another win for kerry
Just Competed Watching the Debate, and taking care of my new Kitty Cat. Julie and I returned from Birch Run and as we were walking up to our door and tiny little abandon Kitty cat approached us, so we brought her in and cleaned her up and fed her, she is now sleeping at my feet. We are gonna keep her and we might name her fluffy!! Any how
My thoughts on this debate.
Tonight, George Bush had another chance to make his case to the American people. Again he failed.
- Again, he showed that he is out of touch with reality on Iraq.
- Again, he offered no plan for jobs and no plan for cutting the cost of health care.
- Again, he pretended that our problems don't exist.
- Again, he refused to level with the American people.
George Bush just doesn't get it, so he can't fix it.
The President again looked flustered, even as he rudely interrupted Charlie Gibson and bullied him into letting him respond to Kerry’s Statement. I clearly declare this another victory for Kerry.
If you missed last few minutes of debate, Bush was asked to name 3 bad descisions he had made. With record job-loss, increasing violence in Iraq, rising health care costs, you know the rest, this was his answer:
"BUSH: Now, you ask for mistakes. I made some mistakes in appointing people, but I don't want to name them. I don't want to hurt their feelings on national TV, but history will look back, and I'm fully prepared to face any mistakes that is history judges to my administration, because the President makes the decisions, the President has to take the responsibility."
would vote for George Bush. I would bet good money that Charlie Gibson
is voting for John Kerry!!!!
That was rude and disrespectable the way Bush interrupted him. Its time
to remove the man from office that has a secret agenda and place the man
that actually will get us back on track into office.
Whatever you do, Wherever you go, Be a good sport.
My new Kitty Cate Fluffy, supports John Kerry.
Fact Check
Fact Check for Mr. Bush,
BUSH VS. REALITY - mouse feeder cells
BUSH CLAIMS: âLet me make sure you understand my decision. Those stem
cell lines already existed.â [Bush, 10/8/04]
REALITY: Bush-Approved Stem Cell Lines Unusable in Humans. The 19 viable
stem cell lines that Bush approved for federal research were all grown
on a âfeeder layerâ of mouse cells. Any attempt to transplant the cells
into humans for treatment would create a danger of passing mouse-borne
viruses into the recipient. [Boston Globe, 5/23/04; Rocky Mountain News,
BUSH VS. REALITY - Stems Cells
BUSH CLAIMS: âI too hope that we'll discover cures from the stem cells,
from the research derived, but I think we have to be very careful in
balancing the ethics and the scienceâ¦â [Bush, 10/8/04]
REALITY: Stem Cell Research has the Potential to Save Lives and Cure
Disease. Embryonic stem cell research has great potential to save lives
and cure disease. Today, more than 100 million American children and
adults suffer from incurable diseases like diabetes, Parkinson's,
Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, and spinal cord injuries. [Coalition
for the Advancement of Medical Research]
New Research Shows Compounds from Stem Cells Can Help Organs Repair
Themselves. âEmbryonic stem cells, valued by researchers for their
ability to become any kind of tissue that a body might need, also
produce druglike compounds that can help ailing organs repair
themselves, scientists are reporting today. The new work offers the most
definitive evidence yet that the versatile cells, derived from embryos,
can help repair organs two ways: by filling in damaged areas -- the
primary focus of stem cell research to date -- and also by secreting
potent chemicals that can make tissues rejuvenate themselves. ⦠âI think
these [stem] cells are more powerful than people had originally
imagined,â said Robert Benezra, a molecular biologist at Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, who led the study with Diego
Fraidenraich.â [Washington Post, 10/8/04]
Nancy Reagan Has Called for Expanding Stem Cell Lines, Saying We Canât
Lose Any More Time. In May 2004, Nancy Reagan told a fundraiser for the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation that stem cell research must be
pursued âto save families from the painâ of debilitating illnesses. âI
don't see how we can turn our backs on this,â she said. âWe have lost so
much time. I just can't bear to lose any more.â [LA Times, 5/9/04]
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
The Vice Presidential Debate. My Take
Senator Edwards stuck to the facts, The Vice President looked flustered.
Another win for the democrats.
Here are some facts that Mr. Haliburton neglected to tell you:
White House Threatened to Veto $87 Billion.
White House Threatened to Veto $87 Billion. âThe White House threatened
Tuesday to veto its own spending bill for Iraq and Afghanistan if
Congress made reconstruction aid a loan, taking its most forceful stand
on the issue even as more lawmakers supported a reimbursement by Iraq.
After declining to threaten a veto last week before the Senate voted to
lend up to $10 billion to Iraq, the White House surprised many people on
Capitol Hill with its warning⦠Mr. Bush called on a series of wavering
lawmakers and made it clear that he would not appreciate a vote for a
loan. The statement on Tuesday, after eight Republican senators defied
him last week and helped form a majority in favor of a $10 billion loan,
was the strongest threat to date. "If this provision is not removed, the
president's senior advisers would recommend that he veto the bill,"
Joshua B. Bolten, the White House budget director, wrote in a letter to
Congressional leaders.â
[Firestone, New York Times, 10/22/03]
Cheney Vs. Reality: Weapons Cuts
Cheney: âIn 1984 when he ran for the senate and he opposed or called for
the elimination of a great many major weapons systems that were crucial
to winning the cold war and are important today to our overall forces.â
[Vice Presidential Debate, 10/5/04]
Cheney Proposed At Least 81 Weapons Programs Cuts as Secretary of
Defense, Including the Following:
- Cheney proposed to cut the F-16
- Cheney proposed to cut the F-14D
- Cheney proposed to cut the F-14A
- Cheney proposed to cut the F-15
- Cheney proposed to cut the B-2
- Cheney proposed to cut the AH-64 Apache Helicopter
- Cheney proposed to cut the M-1 Abrams tanks
- Cheney proposed to cut the C-17 Air Cargo transport planes
- Cheney proposed to cut the B-52 bombers
[Washington Post, 1/13/90; Boston Globe, 1/30/90; Chicago Tribune,
1/30/90; Boston Globe, 4/27/90; NY Times, 1/8/91; Newsday, 2/5/91;
Chicago Tribune, 2/20/91; Boston Globe, 2/5/91; Star-Tribune, 2/2/92;
Aerospace Daily, 8/17/92]
Blog Archive
- Seen recently at Comerica Park.Posted by Hello
- Chuck W's Life is rated
- What Movie Hero is ChuckW!!!
- My Solution to Ashlee Simpsons Mistake.
- Addition to last post.
- A open letter to my sister and brother.
- I'm ChuckW and I approved this message:
- Response to my brothers response to my last post.
- Will The real flip flopper please stand up
- No title
- No title
- Bush is just a puppet.
- Julie and I, Christmas 2003.Posted by Hello
- No title
- I love Ranch Popcorn and Ice Cold Pepsi.
- New Rule
- Julie and I at Comerica ParkPosted by Hello
- My Notes on the Debate
- This is me at Comerica ParkPosted by Hello
- The Third Debate
- Bushworld
- [Fwd: Pat Buchanan]
- Another win for kerry
- Fluffy
- Fact Check
- The Vice Presidential Debate. My Take