Seen recently at Comerica Park.
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Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions? charlesjohnw@gmail.com
Tonight George Bush's denials further damaged his credibility. He denied we have problems with immigration, No Child Left Behind, equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Bush pretends our problems don't exist, and he won't level with the American people.
During these debates, John Kerry has left no doubt that he has the strength and character we need in a commander in chief. He has shown the American people his command of the facts, steady demeanor, and well reasoned arguments. He offered hope and optimism, and showed that he will fight for middle class families.
The Bush campaign has tried to lower the bar for each debate. But the bar can only go so low.
Just Competed Watching the Debate, and taking care of my new Kitty Cat. Julie and I returned from Birch Run and as we were walking up to our door and tiny little abandon Kitty cat approached us, so we brought her in and cleaned her up and fed her, she is now sleeping at my feet. We are gonna keep her and we might name her fluffy!! Any how
My thoughts on this debate.
Tonight, George Bush had another chance to make his case to the American people. Again he failed.
George Bush just doesn't get it, so he can't fix it.
The President again looked flustered, even as he rudely interrupted Charlie Gibson and bullied him into letting him respond to Kerry’s Statement. I clearly declare this another victory for Kerry.
If you missed last few minutes of debate, Bush was asked to name 3 bad descisions he had made. With record job-loss, increasing violence in Iraq, rising health care costs, you know the rest, this was his answer:
"BUSH: Now, you ask for mistakes. I made some mistakes in appointing people, but I don't want to name them. I don't want to hurt their feelings on national TV, but history will look back, and I'm fully prepared to face any mistakes that is history judges to my administration, because the President makes the decisions, the President has to take the responsibility."