Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Grettings Conservatives and Liberals,

I am watching this show on TLC about an actuall Medical condition where a man can actually grow a set of breasts. This makes me feel so conflicted. Part of me is freacked out by it, the other part of me says Why is this a problem????? hmm I will let you create your own joke their.

I am now reading a book called Bushworld by Maureen O'dowd.
She states that the people who think The President is the best thing since sliced bread happily dwell in Bushworld and the rest live in reality. I am lovin this book!!

Once and for all people just because I am voting for John Kerry, By no way does that mean that I am Pro Choice. My Ma and Pa are not fools, They raised me better then that. I am Pro Life.
But I very much Do Not agree that the terrorists want John Kerryt to win!!!
Oh Please!!! Think about it people!!!! If the terrorists had their way, we wouldnt have any elections at all!!!

I am growing very tired of conservatives making excuses like that!!
( Ma Pa Will and Sheree still love ya)

My prayers are with Jeramiah, I was informed that he has to have surgery.

I love you Christopher.

Wow I am tired.



Wherever you Go, Whatever you do.
Be a Good Sport.

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