Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?
Monday, November 29, 2004
Its Just a Game...
I am upset, that one man no make that one individual thinks that he his better then us just because he makes millions of dollars by playing a game. He thinks that he is a gangsta, a thug. He claims he was disrespected by Ben Wallace and the fans so that gave him the right to attack the fans. I worked at Subway and had a couple of people who were not happy with the way I made their subs, I however did not jump across the counter and give them a royal beating. Mr. Artest, you did not defend yourself you retaliated. I hope you never play basketball again, better yet I hope you never set foot in Michigan ever again. I am upset that 2 fans showed up and where immature and irresponsible by throwing a cup and a chair. I have been to numerous different sporting events, a couple of them at the Palace and at the beginning of each event we are told do not throw anything at the athletes at anytime during the event or you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I don’t understand why these idiots choose to do what they did but this gives the fans and the city another black eye it doesn’t deserve. I love the City of Detroit, I am proud to say that I was born in Detroit. I am a fan of all of the Detroit Sports team. I am upset that just because two fans who should be permanently banned from the Palace acted like idiots has given all Pistons fans a black eye. Being that I have been to numerous events at the Palace I can assure you that the Security at the Palace is not at fault at all. The fault lies with Ron Artest and The fans that threw the chair and the glass. I fully agree with Ron Artests suspension however being that he has his own record label he wont suffer much.
I think that all of the Piston Fans should not buy any records that are released under his label. Maybe that will hurt him a little more. I am upset that Rush Limbaugh called Detroit “ New Fallujah” whatever you Pain Pill addicted wind Bag!! Detroit Will repeat as Champions and run over Indiana in the process.
ChuckW the upset
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Time for a small scale Test.
Mean people suck, ChuckW and his woman spent the weekend at her grandparents trailer because her mom was working an overnight shift. We were there to keep an eye on thing 1 and thing 2.( Julies brother and Sister) and I got to sleep in her Gparents sleep number bed. I am sorry Mr. Security Guard but a sleep number bed is total happiness!! When we left Sunday night I got into a pissing match with said Gparents neighbor. It was dark out as we were loading the car and we had the deck light on, said neighbor came out and asked us to turn deck light off. We said we would when we were done loading the car, one thing led to another Julie got called a bad name, I defended Julie. Very bad situation.
I told neighbor to f*** off, I don’t like getting that mad. What also upset me was Julies mom got mad at us because she works with said neighbor and will now “hear” about it.
Needless to say it will be a while before we go back there. I am sorry, I cant get over Election 04. In fact, and I know this is about 140 years late, but to the Southern States, I would say, "Upon further consideration, you CAN go. I know that's what you've always wanted, and we've reconsidered. So go ahead. And take Texas with you." You know what they say. If at first you don't secede, try, try again. And give my regards to President Charlie Daniels. God is not a Republican, nor a Democrat. I am a Christian man, I believe in God. I go to Church. I have done some messed up things in my 27 years on this planet but I have asked for forgiveness and have been granted it. However according to what I have been hearing lately, that’s apparently not enough. I am not a republican nor a conservative. I am liberal and according to the election results and Rush Limbaugh and Bill Owens and all the southern states and older people, being a liberal is evil!!!
Where does it say in the Bible that you have to be a Republican and a conservative to get into heaven???? The Christian right has taken over the Republican party and is spreading a message that downright scares me. Kitty wanted to blog this time but all she could write was a bunch of random thoughts that made no sense whatsoever. That’s my job.
ChuckW the tired.
I told neighbor to f*** off, I don’t like getting that mad. What also upset me was Julies mom got mad at us because she works with said neighbor and will now “hear” about it.
Needless to say it will be a while before we go back there. I am sorry, I cant get over Election 04. In fact, and I know this is about 140 years late, but to the Southern States, I would say, "Upon further consideration, you CAN go. I know that's what you've always wanted, and we've reconsidered. So go ahead. And take Texas with you." You know what they say. If at first you don't secede, try, try again. And give my regards to President Charlie Daniels. God is not a Republican, nor a Democrat. I am a Christian man, I believe in God. I go to Church. I have done some messed up things in my 27 years on this planet but I have asked for forgiveness and have been granted it. However according to what I have been hearing lately, that’s apparently not enough. I am not a republican nor a conservative. I am liberal and according to the election results and Rush Limbaugh and Bill Owens and all the southern states and older people, being a liberal is evil!!!
Where does it say in the Bible that you have to be a Republican and a conservative to get into heaven???? The Christian right has taken over the Republican party and is spreading a message that downright scares me. Kitty wanted to blog this time but all she could write was a bunch of random thoughts that made no sense whatsoever. That’s my job.
ChuckW the tired.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Fear Not Tomorrow, God is already there.
I just completed a shift at The mighty Borders Outlet Store and am now sitting here enjoying a bowl of Vegetable Soup and a cup of Ice Tea. My Kitty Cat is sitting not to far from me giving me weird looks, What Midnight??… do I have a booger???… no?? Ok
Anyways, Just some random thoughts floating in my head that I will now share. I was asked by a member of my family if Gods will was done in the results of Election 04.
According to Chuckw, The Jury is still out on that. Ask me again in about 4 years as Bush is leaving Office or trying to cheat his way back in and I will answer your question.
I realize the president has never looked at this site, I mean he probably doesn’t have time to surf the Internetsssss. But in case he is reading this right now, Mr. President I will like to speak to you directly. I am praying for you, I pray that you will begin to make decisions that will be in the best interest of me and my fellow Americans. I don’t believe you have done that yet. I pray that you will remain healthy and safe, even though I don’t like you I would like to see you remain healthy and alive during your second term, so no more pretzels!! Stop claiming you have an "agenda." It's not an agenda. It's a random collection of laws that your corporate donors paid you to pass. The American people were not clamoring for a cap on medical malpractice awards. If a surgeon leaves an Altoids box in my chest cavity, I want to see him in debtors' prison. One last thing Mr. President, I have to ask now that you've won and you're safe what the hell was that thing on your back during the debate? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I almost forgot, this is the time of healing. The time when blue states and red states come together because we have so much to offer each other. "Spice Rack" meet "Gun Rack." "Picky about bottled water," say hello to "Drinks from a garden hose." "Bought an antique nightstand at an estate sale," meet "Uses a giant wooden spool he stole from the phone company as a coffee table." Sorry, there I go again, kidding when I should be healing. Hey, I will say this about you Republicans, you stand for something: Armageddon, but it's something. Us Democrats, on the other hand, have been coasting for years on Tom Daschle's charisma.
But that's not enough anymore. Ohhh look at me go I have gotten of on a rant, I hear everyone that’s reading this sighing and rolling their eyes. I will stop. Kitty Just let one rip and it stinks, oh wait I think that was me. I will end with this, So, Democrats - Democrats and liberals, stop saying you're going to move because Bush won. Real liberals should be pledging to stay because Bush won. Trust me, you can't get away from Bush by moving to France. Because that's where we're invading next.
ChuckW The John Kerry Guy
Anyways, Just some random thoughts floating in my head that I will now share. I was asked by a member of my family if Gods will was done in the results of Election 04.
According to Chuckw, The Jury is still out on that. Ask me again in about 4 years as Bush is leaving Office or trying to cheat his way back in and I will answer your question.
I realize the president has never looked at this site, I mean he probably doesn’t have time to surf the Internetsssss. But in case he is reading this right now, Mr. President I will like to speak to you directly. I am praying for you, I pray that you will begin to make decisions that will be in the best interest of me and my fellow Americans. I don’t believe you have done that yet. I pray that you will remain healthy and safe, even though I don’t like you I would like to see you remain healthy and alive during your second term, so no more pretzels!! Stop claiming you have an "agenda." It's not an agenda. It's a random collection of laws that your corporate donors paid you to pass. The American people were not clamoring for a cap on medical malpractice awards. If a surgeon leaves an Altoids box in my chest cavity, I want to see him in debtors' prison. One last thing Mr. President, I have to ask now that you've won and you're safe what the hell was that thing on your back during the debate? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I almost forgot, this is the time of healing. The time when blue states and red states come together because we have so much to offer each other. "Spice Rack" meet "Gun Rack." "Picky about bottled water," say hello to "Drinks from a garden hose." "Bought an antique nightstand at an estate sale," meet "Uses a giant wooden spool he stole from the phone company as a coffee table." Sorry, there I go again, kidding when I should be healing. Hey, I will say this about you Republicans, you stand for something: Armageddon, but it's something. Us Democrats, on the other hand, have been coasting for years on Tom Daschle's charisma.
But that's not enough anymore. Ohhh look at me go I have gotten of on a rant, I hear everyone that’s reading this sighing and rolling their eyes. I will stop. Kitty Just let one rip and it stinks, oh wait I think that was me. I will end with this, So, Democrats - Democrats and liberals, stop saying you're going to move because Bush won. Real liberals should be pledging to stay because Bush won. Trust me, you can't get away from Bush by moving to France. Because that's where we're invading next.
ChuckW The John Kerry Guy
Sunday, November 07, 2004
I will give him a chance.
ChuckW thought about it long and hard. I have my Canadian citizenship papers right in front of me ready to fill out, but I will postpone that. I was born an American and I would like to remain one. If I did move to Canada I would have healthcare, unlike here. ( that’s a big shot at you Granholm, my vote will be the one that removes you!!! Just thought you should know. ) I am not happy about the fact that Bush won, I am not happy that he remains my President. But I will accept it. I watched an episode of Headliners and Legends on MSNBC today that was about The President. It was interesting; I learned a lot I didn’t know. Conservatives, I am sorry, I will now burst your bubble. It didn’t change my mind about him. Anyways, I was talking with My girlfriends Grandma the other night about the election and she said something to me that bothered me. She said that Bush was appointed back into the office by God himself and by doing that God is giving us a second chance to straighten out our lives. My problem with that is, if that is so then technically wouldn’t this be our third chance??? I am speaking of Noah’s Ark. Or our fourth, by that I mean For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. I am a God fearing Man, I love God and I believe in him. I however believe that we are already in our second chance. She also told me that after she filled out her absentee vote she prayed long and hard that Bush would win. Now a good parent with multiple kids couldn’t love one kid more then the other, they would love each other the same. God loves John Kerry the same as he loves George Bush, God doesn’t favor one over the other. God is the good parent. I believe that God had the result of the election planned out a long time ago. After I voted last Tuesday I did not pray for John Kerry to win, I prayed for Gods will to be done.
Wherever you go, Whatever you do.
Be a good Sport.
ChuckW the Stinky.
Friday, November 05, 2004
Stunned and Saddened
That is my reaction to Tuesdays election, I honestly thought that there was no way John Kerry was going to lose. I admit that I was upset with Senator Kerry after learning he was going to concede, I however now have the up most respect for him for doing that. That had to been hard to do, it just showed me that he cared more for his country then for himself. I have to comment on something, Shame on Bill Owens!!! He is the governor of Colorado and he was being interviewed by MSNBC Tuesday night and he said that if you go to church, you vote for George Bush. I was personally offended by that comment, Mr. Owens are you saying that just because I voted for John Kerry that means I am not a Christian?!?! Shame on you sir, I consider that a racists comment. I don’t want to get off on a rant but I have a few more thoughts that I want to share. To all those people that I have spoken with over the last 4 years that have complained about the President, I hope that you didn’t vote for him!!! If you did, I don’t want to hear anymore complaining!!
Another thing, I heard today that the average voter that went for Bush makes over $100,000 a year. Bush gave Tax Breaks to the rich!! Hmmmmmmmm
Another thing, Conservatives I don’t want to hear you gloat!!! I made the mistake of turning on Rush Limbaugh Wednesday, I only hade him on for a second and heard him laughing and I became sick to my stomach. I am angered, concerned, frustrated, frankly pissed off by what has happened. I up until the year 2000 thought our election process was flawless. I was wrong and it has clearly failed us again. There is indeed a class warfare going on and its now making me think about moving to Canada. This election has caused me to make a decision, I want to run for public office someday. I cant do it now because I am currently correcting some mistakes that I have made in the past. When I am ready, I will make a run and make a difference. For now I will continue this blog, voicing my opinion on not only politics but life in general.
"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."-- Saint Francis of Assisi
Monday, November 01, 2004
My Kitty is as cute as a button and other observations...
She has a bit of a cold, but she is ok. I gave her a bath and she didn’t like that at all!!! LOL. Oh well. I meet a celebrity!!! Well he is just a local celebrity, but I meet Darrin Bradley of WNEM TV5 this past Thursday. For those of you reading this that live out of state, click this link
I ran into him at the Shell station in Vassar, he was in town to do a remote for the annual pumpkin roll. I went up to him and asked him if he was who I thought he was and he said yes, and then I chatted with him for a couple of minutes. That was really cool, he is a nice guy. Anyways, Its time to vote. Its time to stop the spin and grin and make a choice. I hope that when you make your choice that it was your own informed choice and not just what someone told you. I am watching CSPAN as I write this and they are doing a call in show. I just heard an elderly lady go on a rant on how Bush is such a saint and John Kerry is evil. She ended the call by saying that Bush will go to Heaven and John Kerry will go to Hell. That is so horrible to hear an older lady say something filled with such Hate. I pray that God will release that hate that fills her. That is sad. I am voting for John Kerry and here is why. I will name the Issues and Kerry’s views on these Issues.
Abortion: Kerry is against it except in Extreme situations.
Affirmative action: Kerry supports it
Gays in the Military: Kerry Says gays should be able to serve openly.
Gay Adoption: Kerry is for it.
Safety devices on all new guns: Kerry is for it.
Assault weapons ban: Kerry is for it
Medical use of marijuana: Wants more Study
Rebuilding Iraq: Wants other nations involved in rebuilding effort.
Military strength: Wants to increase Army by 40,000 troops. No draft.
Job creation: Would give businesses relief on health costs, incentives for job creation and keeping jobs in U.S.; tough enforcement of trade laws.
No Child Left Behind: Supports program, but wants full funding.
Fuel efficiency: Would push for new gas requirements, hybrid cars, and hydrogen fuel.
Tougher clean air, water acts: Yes
Greenhouse emissions: Will push for laws to cut them, not just reduce the rate.
Yucca Mountain nuclear repository: No
Great Lakes water diversion: No
National health care system: Supports letting Americans buy insurance through some type of government program.
Drug importation: Yes, from Canada.
Patriot Act: Wants it to expire without congressional approval.
SOCIAL SECURITY Private investment : Opposes Bush's plan
Space exploration: Wants to restore reliability to NASA. Will consider space exploration against other demands on nation's finances.
Stem-cell research: Would reverse funding restriction; also would let scientists study embryos left over from infertility treatment.
In Closing, My fellow Americans. Lets be a good sport this time. Lets not restrict or prevent anyone’s right to vote. I don’t care if you don’t agree with them. If they are a legal American citizen, then they HAVE A RIGHT!!!! to have their vote counted. God be with us!!!
ChuckW the Hopefull
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