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Monday, November 29, 2004

Its Just a Game...

I am upset, that one man no make that one individual thinks that he his better then us just because he makes millions of dollars by playing a game. He thinks that he is a gangsta, a thug. He claims he was disrespected by Ben Wallace and the fans so that gave him the right to attack the fans. I worked at Subway and had a couple of people who were not happy with the way I made their subs, I however did not jump across the counter and give them a royal beating. Mr. Artest, you did not defend yourself you retaliated. I hope you never play basketball again, better yet I hope you never set foot in Michigan ever again. I am upset that 2 fans showed up and where immature and irresponsible by throwing a cup and a chair. I have been to numerous different sporting events, a couple of them at the Palace and at the beginning of each event we are told do not throw anything at the athletes at anytime during the event or you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I don’t understand why these idiots choose to do what they did but this gives the fans and the city another black eye it doesn’t deserve. I love the City of Detroit, I am proud to say that I was born in Detroit. I am a fan of all of the Detroit Sports team. I am upset that just because two fans who should be permanently banned from the Palace acted like idiots has given all Pistons fans a black eye. Being that I have been to numerous events at the Palace I can assure you that the Security at the Palace is not at fault at all. The fault lies with Ron Artest and The fans that threw the chair and the glass. I fully agree with Ron Artests suspension however being that he has his own record label he wont suffer much.
I think that all of the Piston Fans should not buy any records that are released under his label. Maybe that will hurt him a little more. I am upset that Rush Limbaugh called Detroit “ New Fallujah” whatever you Pain Pill addicted wind Bag!! Detroit Will repeat as Champions and run over Indiana in the process.

ChuckW the upset

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