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Friday, July 08, 2005

An Open letter to the cowards who attacked London.


What is your problem??? You people are gutless cowards. Everyone was happy cause London was awarded the games then you bombed them and ruined the mood!!!
Hey I am trying to better my mood!!! Come bomb me you jerks!!!!! I live in Vassar, MI. Its easy to find on the Map….wait a minute….You guys smart enough to read a map!!! That’s a bit of a stretch!!! You guys don’t know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground!!!! Thank your lucky stars that I have problems that would keep me out of the Military, If I didn’t I would join and Hunt your sorry Asses
Down!!! You are on borrowed time!!! We are coming for you and Hell is following with us!!!!!!

Chuckw The Pissed off

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