Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Who’s looking out for you?

Hope your enjoying your Vacation Duuhhhbya!!!

Bill O’rielly
Your Turn

Quote/Claim:"You don't come from any lower than I came from on an economic scale. [Source: Show transcript, reprinted in New York Observer]"

Fact:"O'Reilly actually grew up in Westbury, Long Island, a middle-class suburb a few miles from Levittown, according to his mother Angela, who still lives in the Levitt-built house Bill grew up in. His late father, William O'Reilly Sr., was a currency accountant with Caltex, an oil company; Angela 'Ann' O'Reilly was a homemaker who also worked as a physical therapist...Both [O'Reilly] children attended private school, and the family sent Bill to Marist College, a private college in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., as well as the University of London for a year, without financial aid. - Washington Post, 12/13/00"

Date: 9/17/2004

Quote/Claim:"I mean, you've got stoned slackers watching your dopey show every night…you know the research on your program. [Source: Show transcript]"

Fact:"Viewers of Jon Stewart's show are more likely to have completed four years of college than people who watch 'The O'Reilly Factor,' according to Nielsen Media Research. - AP, 9/27/04"

Date: 5/8/2001

Quote/Claim:"[The United States gives] far and away more tax money to foreign countries than anyone…nobody else even comes close. [Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, by Al Franken]"

Fact:"By a narrow margin, the U.S. gives more money in raw dollars than any other nation, although for a decade before 2001 Japan gave more. As a percentage of Gross National Product, however, the U.S. ranks last among the world’s wealthier countries (at about 0.1%). Comments like O’Reilly’s may contribute to the widespread misconceptions of the majority of Americans, who believe, according to a poll conducted by the University of Maryland, that the U.S. spends an average of 24% of its annual budget on foreign aid. - Council on Foreign Relations, 2004; USA Today, 12/4/01"

Date: 5/24/2004

Quote/Claim:"A new Pew Research Study shows...the networks, as well as most major urban newspapers, rarely treat the president fairly. [Source: Show transcript]"

Fact:"Solid majorities of national print and TV journalists, as well as Internet journalists, say the media has not been critical enough in its coverage of the administration. - PEW study, 5/23/04"

Date: 5/19/2000

Quote/Claim:"We won Peabody Awards. We won… A program that wins a Peabody Award, the highest award in journalism, and you're going to denigrate it?” - In response to Arthur Neville’s assertion that Inside Edition, which O’Reilly anchored, was a tabloid show. [Source: TV transcript, reprinted partially in Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them]"

Fact:"Actually, [O’Reilly] has never won a Peabody. He explains he got it confused with the Polk Award which, incidentally, he also never received but which had been won by Inside Edition a year before he ever joined the show.” - Newsday, 3/8/01"

Date: 2/4/2003

Quote/Claim:"First of all, I never do anything tacitly. I do things directly. I simply said I wasn't going to drink Pepsi while that guy was on their payroll. No boycott was ever mentioned by me. [Show transcript, partially reprinted in Slate]"

Fact:"I'm calling for all Americans to say, Hey, Pepsi, I'm not drinking your stuff. You want to hang around with Ludacris, you do that, I'm not hanging around with you. - O'Reilly Factor, 8/27/02"

Date: 10/21/2003

Quote/Claim:"No one has been able to prove [Fox News is conservative]. [Source: Show transcript, partially reprinted in Philadelphia Inquirer]"

Fact:"I say Fox leans a little right. - Bill O'Reilly, 2/11/03Solid majorities of both national and local journalists say there is an organization that they think is especially conservative - and for most the organization that comes to mind is Fox News Channel. Fully 69% of national journalists cited Fox News Channel as especially conservative in its coverage. - PEW Journalism Survey, 2004 On 10/30/03 a former Fox News employee, Charlie Reina, sent a letter to media watchdog site Romenesko citing the conservative hold Fox News keeps over its broadcasts. Each day, Reina stated, management sent the newsroom a memo containing direction on how to slant the day's news to agree with a single conservative agenda and toe the White House party line."

He is nothing but a Liar, Is he really looking out for you????
No He is looking out for himself.
Ann Coulter you are next!!!!


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