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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

You reap what you sow

Its amazing to me that there are some people out in the world that think that they can say whatever they want and not expect to get bit in the Ass in the end. Rush FattButt is a classic example. He runs his mouth off day after day, he must not expect to get hate mail I don’t know. He recently said that if you hate George Bush then you hate God cause God
Loves George Bush. What kind of Idiot would say such a stupid thing like that!!!!!!
Rushy the Hutt would. Just recently Me and my brother got into a spat with a gentleman
Named Barbie Richards from . I was to appear with my brother on their radio show to debate whether or not Hulk Hogan was a great wrestler. Before the show they had not brought me online yet and my brother told them that I am Good at debating. Barbie made a joke saying that I was a master debater or a masturbator
I was a little annoyed by the comment at first but I didn’t think anything of it. Then before I was to appear on my brothers show Barbie made a Joke that My brother and I were gonna do group master debating or group masturbating. Now that comment ticked me off and I made a crack at what Barbie said when I was on his show, he said that he was a Metro sexual so I made fun of that and shot back by Questioning his sexuality. Mr. Richards Shot Back on the In your Head message board with the Following: "I'm really not even going to bother wasting IYH time on this. Yeah , I like to make jokes about masterbation. Yeah , I like Ric Flair's robes. So.. fuckin'.. sue me , Loverboy. If "ChuckW" wasn't so scared of the fact that he looked at a Dudes ass once and might be gay which.. OMG.. would make him go to hell.. this would never have gone anywhere besides a one off side comment on the show and would never have led to my sexual preference coming into question and ridicule on Walkie's Retarded Barn Dance Hour. In short , I couldn't care less what ChuckW has to say. I was going to pretend I cared and rant on the show but.. I just don't care about the opinions of one self-hating scrote nibbler when I recieved two.. yes.. TWO get well e-mails from ladies. I'm big pimpin' in my flappy hospital gown.I'm in the mood for vicious German porn and that's my view."

I was really mad after reading that so a huge message board war started wich can be viewed at

I have since apologized to Mr. Richards for my role in this skirmish, to finish the matter and make peace. I don’t know if he has accepted my apology as he hasn’t returned my E-mail but I wanted to try and be the Adult in the situation. Basically people be mindful of watch you say around others. What you think might not be a big deal might be a big deal to others.


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