Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?

Monday, October 18, 2004

I love Ranch Popcorn and Ice Cold Pepsi.

I really do.

Kitty finally has a name!!

Julie and I spent the weekend at her grandparents trailer in Croswell, We took kitty with as she just had to meet…..uhhhh… hold on….. sorry got distracted, ESPN is on. Anyways, Kitty just had to meet Kelsea. She is Julies sister, who just happens to adore cats. Her grandparents wont let her have a cat, but you see they were out of town. Kelsea named the Kitty, and that name is…… Midnight. She sleeps a lot, burps, farts, My kind of cat. We went there because we had a hectic 48 hours, we experienced…. Double car breakdown!!!!! Julies car went first, we were in Lexington when we stopped to visit an antique store. We were in there for an hour and came out an the car didn’t start!! Then Mine went, I was taking Julie to work at 6:30 in the morning when my car died. An ad salesmen at her job was kind enough to give me a jump but I got 2.5 miles away from our apartment when she quit again.

Nobody stopped to assist me and I didn’t want to knock on doors at 7 in the morning, so I walked 2.5 miles back to our place. I ended up with 7 blisters on my feet. I put out an SOS call to Julies mom and she came and assisted. We had to move the car by 5:30 or big bad Tuscola 911 was going to impound. Well to make this sob story short, we got mine towed and fixed. It was the Alternator. Why cant we just transport like in Star Trek????
Well at least we got one working car wich is better then none.

Wherever you go, Whatever you do, Be a good sport.

1 comment:

William Walker said...

I Like a Pepsi with a order of Fries with that
Just Kidden :>)
