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Friday, September 23, 2005

Please God, Deliver us from Sean Hannity

Topic: Iraq - Post-Invasion

Date: 9/19/2003

Quote/Claim:"Colin Powell just had a great piece that he had in the paper today. He was there [in Iraq]. He said things couldn't have been better. [Source: Show transcript]"

Fact:"Iraq has come very far, but serious problems remain, starting with security. American commanders and troops told me of the many threats they face--from leftover loyalists who want to return Iraq to the dark days of Saddam, from criminals who were set loose on Iraqi society when Saddam emptied the jails and, increasingly, from outside terrorists who have come to Iraq to open a new front in their campaign against the civilized world. - Colin Powell, 9/19/03"


Topic: Miscellaneous Distortions

Date: 9/18/2003

Quote/Claim:"I never questioned anyone's patriotism. [Source: Show transcript]"

Fact:"Governor, why wouldn't anyone want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, unless they detested their own country or were ignorant of its greatness? - Hannity, 6/12/03

'I hate America.' This is the extreme left. There is a portion of the left -- not everybody who's left -- that does hate this country and blame this country for the ills of the world... - Hannity, 1/23/02

Speaking to Sara Flounders co-director of the International Action Center: You don't like this country, do you? You don't -- you think this is an evil country. By your description of it right here, you think it's a bad country. - Hannity, 9/25/01"

Topic: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Date: 8/1/2003

Quote/Claim:"But one of the things that I am…really, really, really good [sic] about is David Kay, who's the chief weapons inspector now, he's compiled what he believes to be the mother load of documents and evidence that we have the case, we have the proof. He's not coming out until it's all been verified and all been put together. And I think a lot of these guys on the left that weren't there to help us defeat this animal and this madman and his two raping, vicious, murdering sons, I think they're going to have an awful lot of egg on their face.” "

Fact:"We have not uncovered evidence that Iraq undertook significant post-1998 steps to actually build nuclear weapons or produce fissile material.” - Bush Administration Weapons Inspector David Kay, 10/2/03"

Reference Reference

Topic: Iraq - Al Qaeda Links

Date: 12/9/2002

Quote/Claim:"And in northern Iraq today, this very day, al Qaeda is operating camps there, and they are attacking the Kurds in the north, and this has been well-documented and well chronicled. Now, if you're going to go after al Qaeda in every aspect, and obviously they have the support of Saddam, or we're not.” [Source:]"

Fact:"Sec. of State Colin Powell conceded Thursday that despite his assertions to the United Nations last year, he had no 'smoking gun' proof of a link between the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and terrorists of al-Qaeda.'I have not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection,' Powell said. - NY Times, 1/9/04"

Reference Reference

Topic: Economy – Growth

Date: 11/6/2002

Quote/Claim:"First of all, this president -- you know and I know and everybody knows -- inherited a recession. That's a fact. [Source:]"

Fact:"The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession. The determination of a peak date in March is thus a determination that the expansion that began in March 1991 ended in March 2001 and a recession began. The expansion lasted exactly 10 years, the longest in the NBER's chronology. - NBER report, 11/26/01"

Reference Reference

This guy is a classic example of a Bush Talking head!!!
He is annoying!!!! A Huge Hypocrite!!!!!
I don’t know why anybody watches or listens to him?!?!?


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