Here You my find Archives from The Podcast That I did. "Liberal Tyranny Live" That Show is now defunct. Thank you for Listenting. Any Questions?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

1856 Deaths, 13877 Wounded

Mr. President

There is something that me and my brother, who is a conservative, agree on, you are being badly misadvised.
I think you should meet with Cindy Sheenan one on one, It wouldn’t hurt!!!! It would be a great PR Move.
Meet with her, Hug Her, Cry with her. Why not???? Because someone in your camp is deceiving you and telling you
To not go near her. I think its Karl Rove, I mean he already has hurt your administration by leaking. If she truly wants to just
Yell at you, let her do it. Then kill her with kindness, tell her “I feel your pain”. Its worked before!!! Every family that has lost a loved one in this war deserves an audience with you. It was your choice to go in. I hear Rush and O’lielly saying not to do it because what she is doing is treason. Its not treason, its called finding out why your loved one died. Yes I do support Ms Sheenan and every family that has lost a loved one in this conflict. America is hurting Mr. President, 1856 lives have been lost due to your decision to invade. Its time for you to step up and be the compassionate conservative you claim to be. Also its time for you to find who is deceiving you and get rid of them!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not saying I don't think we should be out of there.. I just am not sure this person is doing it right. Lets honor those over there and those that gave their lives. Some feel she isn't...
