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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I am not perfect, but I am forgiven.

Its day 6 after my meeting with friend of the court. I have hit speedway, central shop rite and IGA so far for applications. IGA was not accepting. I tried Rite Aid and filed one out, but the witch behind the counter gave me attitude, I was like ya know, I know I might not get hired here but drop the attitude and hand over the App!!! Well… I didn’t really say that… but I wanted to. I also tried Ivy Pizza and Video rentals. Saturday night I had a very scary episode, Nausea, dizziness, lots of throw up, black outs. This is going to sound very crazy but I wondered if an evil spirit might have attacked me, as there was evidence. I consulted a Catholic chat room and they said it was possible, I should consult a doctor and if they cannot explain what happened to me then I should consult the church. I don’t want to scare everyone. I am fine. I will update you when I know what’s going on.
I had a busy day; I did some work on the deck hanging up my birthday gift from the parents. Thanks again Mom and Dad!!! My Grandma Boven is in the Hospital, going to visit her tomorrow. A new Pope was elected today, Pope Benedict the 16th. His birthday is 3 days after mine. I am very curious about the Catholic faith, I have made some friends in the Catholic Chat room that I enjoy talking to. Fought a little bit with Julie today, I irritated her a little bit, was my fault I didn’t mean to. We made up though.
Dawn of the Dead is coming on Starz!!! Great film!!!! Got to go.


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